• Ghost Dream Tour

    Director:Liu Zaishan

    Actor:Zheng Yumei,Li Sha

    Category:Suspense,terror,Thrilling,familyArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • Life is truly beautiful

    Director:Cui Guoxi

    Actor:Liu Chenglong,Lian

    Category:love,family,Realistic themes,marriageArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • New Year's Eve

    Director:Hong Zhiying

    Actor:Jin Kangyu,Liu Ren

    Category:love,comedy,plot,friendship,family,Sweet Pet,marriageArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • Invaders

    Director:Sun Yuanping

    Actor:Song Zhixiao,Jin W

    Category:Suspense,Thrilling,familyArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • A mix of sadness and joy

    Director:Cui Hena

    Actor:Zheng Xiujing

    Category:comedy,plot,familyArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • An elegant lie

    Director:Li Han

    Actor:Jin Ai

    Category:Suspense,plot,family,campusArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • accomplice

    Director:Guodong Tin

    Actor:Sun Yizhen,Jin Jia

    Category:Crime,Thrilling,familyArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • seven days

    Director:Yuan Shenyan

    Actor:Jin Yunzhen,Park H

    Category:Crime,comedy,plot,Thrilling,familyArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • Welcome to Dongmo Village

    Director:Park Kwong hyun

    Actor:Shen Hejun,Zheng Z

    Category:comedy,plot,friendship,familyArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

  • miracle

    Director:Li Zhangqian

    Actor:Park Chung min,Lin

    Category:love,plot,familyArea:the republic of korea

    Play  Details

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