
Shaina is the story of Shine, a teenager in Zimbabwe who doesn't believe in herself. In the face of life-altering events, she is forced to rely on her own ingenuity and determination to face her future. It's a story of forgiveness and friendship, of creating a new family from the people who love you, and of the power inside every girl, whether she knows it is there or not. Rooted in human-centered design and surrogate-based behavior change, this movie will become an important part of youth culture in Zimbabwe and across sub-Saharan Africa, instilling in young women a growth mindset essential for health, agency, and self-efficacy, this story will also challenge harmful gender norms by driving a culture of positive masculinity.


  • You Gotta Believe

  • The Tough

  • Abigail

  • Teenage Girl: Valerie's Holiday

  • Space Dogs

  • Becoming Me

  • Mother and Son

  • Batman and Me

  • Bear-Like

  • Cargo

  • Crimes of the future

  • Autobahn

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