
In the early summer of 2019, Cheng Jie, an anti drug police officer in Jiangcheng, South China, was bitten by a drug dealer in an arrest, and the arrested accomplice confessed that the escaped drug dealer was suffering from AIDS, so Cheng Jie was suspected of being infected with HIV. Waiting for inspectionIn the days of results, Cheng Jie, with a strong sense of mission, never gave up and stubbornly tracked the source of the drug, engaging in witty and brave battles with his comrades such as Captain Liu Yunfei and drug dealers. After thorough investigation and investigationPo, in a life and death battle with drug traffickers, defeated the drug trafficking group in Jiangcheng and captured drug lord Yang Jiang in one fell swoop. In the end, the drug dealer who bit Cheng Jie was not a AIDS patient, but Cheng Jie showed a drug police shovelThe determination and will to eliminate toxins and demons.


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