
This film tells the story of Lin Yao, a playboy who has been known for his martial arts since childhood. While pursuing the top scorer in the brothel, Qin Shuang, he encounters a series of schemes and scams by Li Baimei and others, and is deceived into losing everything; But in the end, Lin Yao realized himself and stayed at homeWith the help of Ren and Qin Shuang, they learned martial arts, defeated Li Baimei and others, and protected the people of the town.


  • You Gotta Believe

  • The Tough

  • Abigail

  • Teenage Girl: Valerie's Holiday

  • Space Dogs

  • Becoming Me

  • Mother and Son

  • Batman and Me

  • Bear-Like

  • Cargo

  • Crimes of the future

  • Autobahn

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