Eating Air

Category:Action Romance  Area:SG  Year:1999 




A romance between two opposites, Eating Air follows the lives of two teenagers during the hottest month in the history of Singapore. For Boy, breaking into bridal shops under the moonlight is as wildly exciting as Girl on her first motorcycle spin through the binding fluorescent tunnels of the CTE. About the joys and pangs of teenage love, Eating Air seeks the delirious madness that makes 18-year-olds invincible to low fuels, fists and oil-puddles on the road.


  • Cleaner

  • Civil War

  • Mothers' Instinct

  • Wanted Man

  • You Gotta Believe

  • The Tough

  • Abigail

  • Teenage Girl: Valerie's Holiday

  • Space Dogs

  • Becoming Me

  • Mother and Son

  • Batman and Me

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