
This is a movie adapted from the true deeds of Ma Gang, a good person in China, a moral model in Henan Province, and a recipient of the May Fourth Medal in Henan Province. After returning to secular life at Shaolin Temple, Ma Gang gave up on the thriving Hong Kong cultureReturning to my hometown in my career, I established a private school for left behind children, which has been established for twelve years. We have sponsored over 1000 impoverished left behind children and adopted dozens who died for various reasonsMa Gang, who was abandoned by his mother and orphaned, came to the construction site to work without telling other teachers in order to maintain the operation of the school and ensure the normal life of the children he adopted and supported. He was praised by the mediaAs the most beautiful principal of migrant workers.


  • Chances Are, You and I

  • Romantic Comedy

  • Tenet

  • Berlin Alexanderplatz

  • Last Letter

  • Pray

  • The Hunt

  • Greyhound

  • Invasion

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